Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The whitest legs on the block

But the shoes make up for it, right??

Happy Wednesday!!

The chronicles of my Ordinary and Awesome life, family, and thoughts at Ordinary and Awesome is also the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.

Oh...and I've lost 2 followers in the past week...hmmm...maybe they didn't appreciate me wishing my boys to be gay? ;)


natalie said...

Aww! You looked great, lady! Love the dress...and of course, the shoes ;)

Marie said...

You look lovely and the shoes are wonderful! :-)

tiarastantrums said...

ha ha - I am a fellow red and I think I'm right with you on the whiteness!!

Sara Elizabeth said...

I bet I have you beat on the white legs. These babies haven't seen the sun since 1989. LOL!

You lost two followers from a post about your boys being gay!? I must find and read this post. :)

Karol said...

Awww..hello Powder!! lol... Love the outfit and dress! You look awesome!

The Salem Family said...

You look great!!

sheila said...

Ahhh, you're so pretty! Love your hair. I bet my legs are whiter than yours, lol

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

hot mamma!! love the CFM shoes too:)