For this reason, I don't care if his brother stays in diapers until Kindergarten. Seriously. I.DO.NOT.CARE. Sure, diapers are expensive and I hate the fact that I have to bust out WWF moves to get him to to lay down and let me change him...but I don't want to deal with trips to the bathroom or even worse, buying one of those nasty ass potty chairs. ::shudders::
I'm in no rush...I'm in no rush to put him in a big boy bed either. I don't care if he throws his food on the floor and only uses utensils 1/2 the time.
Ya know what else? He doesn't drink out of a regular cup...and I.DO.NOT.CARE. Chances are pretty good, he won't go to college drinking out of a sippy cup and wearing a pull up (although, for some of those college nights both may come in handy...)
1 comment:
This is my first time potty training, and so far, I hate it. My daughter is 2 and shown interest in the potty over the past 6 months. She's gone potty on it several times, but all of the sudden she refuses to use it. GRRRR.
Or, I just really suck at this.
I think to myself, diapers are so much easier!
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