They're also very well off...they like nice things, his aunt is an absolutely AMAZING cook and one guess who she learned from? Yep, grandma. So, even though it's an informal evening of playing games and hanging out there is pressure. Pressure to make sure the house is presentable and that the food is good. We have 2 kids and it was New Years the presentable part was a bit of a challenge. Imagine my delight when she came in and exclaimed that she just loved my house and it was such a "happy house" while looking at the piles of random toys on the entertainment center. Cousin is now 17, and she looked at all of the new toys piled with the much loved toys with a bit of sadness. She missed those piles.
You know what? She's right. It is a happy house. There are toys in pretty much every nook and cranny, crumbs under the couch cushions and marker all over the table. We eat in the living room if we feel like it, we use finger paints on the kitchen floor, the bathtub always has toys in it that just never seem to dry and the boys almost always have marker on their hands. It's a happy house, it's a lived in house. The beds aren't made, the "throw" blankets are rarely folded and you will always find a stray matchbox car or lego stuck under a chair.
I enjoy that my house is comfortable and lived in. It doesn't bother me that not everything matches, I don't mind that you can see the toys...yet I spend so much time trying to "fix" it when company comes over. Why? Why is it that I think I need to turn in to someone I'm not. I'm not super organized, I don't care about matching everything right down to the pillows. It doesn't bother me that the kids managed to draw on the table with a sharpie. I have pictures scotch taped to the fridge and the walls. The boys don't have themes in their rooms, they have toys and books and beds. Do you think they care that the bedding doesn't match the wall? Nope. They don't why should I?! They care that mommy and daddy will go play legos or help them play on the rocking horse.
I live in a house where you don't have to take yours shoes off to come in and have a seat...but if you want to, by all means feel free. And put your feet on my coffee table while you are at it.
Awww, I love this! So true :)
Love you and your 'Happy house' :)
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